Saturday, 10 June 2017

Watching Your Partner Having Sex With Someone Else Is HOT!.

Why I Love To Watch: AKA Voyeurism.

Why watch porn? I guess it's pretty obvious really, watching people have sex is arousing, plain and simple. Lots of couples use porn as a means of charging up their sex drive, there really is nothing quite as stimulating as seeing people engaged in carnal acts.
Sure, most of the mainstream professional porn is pretty mechanical and formulaic but occasionally it does work and you get the sense that the couple on the screen have gone beyond the acting stage and have managed to create a genuine sense of actual pleasure and enjoyment!
This is much more apparant when you watch pro-amature and even more so, homemade "real" amature porn, not a lot of obvious fakery on display, and therefore so much hotter to watch.
Sorry about the little digression, (it's something regular readers will be able to attest to), but it's my way of segwaying into why I enjoy watching just as much as participating.

It's just my opinion of course but one of the main things that makes being a lifestyle couple like us so hot and horny is simply being able to watch and listen when Alanna is making out with another guy, nothing you will ever see or do can match it.

With all that said, actually being there in real time as your partner is taken by another man is (unsurprisingly) a very different experience to watching video of them or listening to audio, all three of these scenarios are highly erotic in their own way and for different reasons.
I'm going to try and explain what it means to me and why it gets me off, not sure how this is going to work out but here we go.

Watching "Live".

This of course is the "Full Monty".
If, like us, you are a couple with a strong emotional connection that goes way beyond the physical you doubtless agree there is nothing quite like being in the same room as your "Pornstar" wife as she changes persona and becomes a sex fuelled animal.
Being present means that I get to enjoy at close quarters her transition from housewife to hotwife, I can literally feel the desire radiating from her and the sexual tension and chemistry filling the room is incredible. Then there is the look in her eyes & soft moans of anticipation as he eases his fingers under the waistband of her panties. The way she locks eyes with me as she takes him in her mouth, no words spoken but so much said. The way she looks at him, her eyes burning with passion and lust. Then the moment of first penetration and subsequent impending climax, finally when she cums, the sounds. It's almost primal, and because we are so connected I am there with her all the way, yes, truly breathtaking and the ultimate sharing experience.

Watching Video.

When I'm not with Alanna and she is off on a solo date I love her to take pictures and shoot video, in many ways this offers a similar experience and feeling to watching live with one important and very obvious distinction: You are not in the room with them, duh!
Why does this make a difference? Well, it really gives a fly on the wall type of experience. Also we have found Alanna is more relaxed simply because I'm not there! That relaxation translates to her being more comfortable and therefore a little more adventurous. I have one video of her and James, I called it "No Tell Motel", literally shot with two HD cameras while I sat at home my mind working overtime. Viewing the video the next day was instant boner time, just to see her with him on our TV screen was just like watching a porn movie. The major difference being the very obvious passion and sense of abandon which shines through. followed by three powerful orgasms. She knows how much I love to watch so she plays to the camera, the look she gave the lens after her first body shaking climax was truly heart stopping, so much pure sexual lust in her eyes. With another guy she is a fucking unstoppable and incredible slut, amazingly hot to watch and highly voyeuristic.

Listening To Audio.

And finally to audio only. This is very similar to being blindfolded while having sex, essentially mimicking the deprivation of sight, one of our primary senses. You know something is going on, but you can't see, therefore you use your imagination in an attempt to visualize what is actually happening. The result of course being a heightened sense of erotisism. Take a listen to this audio, it's a genuine clip of Alanna and James during one of her visits to his home. Her breathing, the moans becoming more urgent, the movement of the bed as he relentlessly pounds into her and other unmistakable sounds of two people engaged in a highly charged sexual encounter culminating in her reaching a strong orgasm. So. Fucking. Hot!

Alanna Taking a Hard Pounding From James


All three of the above scenarios are super horny in their own right, I have listed them in my particular order of preference, but I truly love them all, if, like me you are a voyeur you will get it.
We are planning another get together with James, soon, fingers crossed, the first two of my kinks discussed above are firmly on the agenda. Play safe!

June 2017.

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